Cytotoxic spill kits with gloves & gown

The Berner Cytotoxic Spill Kit contains a quality selection of compliant Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and necessary aids to contain and remove hazardous cytotoxic spills.

Compliant with European PPE standards and CE marked, the Berner Cytotoxic Spill Kit enables quick and safe access by packing the contents in the order that the user will need them. All protective barrier items have proven permeation tests against a list of commonly used chemical and cytotoxic substances. Each spill kit comes complete with full instructions for use, accident report form and handy illustrative guide.

Albiox supply the Berner Cytotoxic Spill Kit in packs of two, available in a range of four convenient garment configurations.

Ordering information

Size 7.5 latex gloves, medium gown – CS4004

Size 9 latex gloves, large gown – CS4004A

Size 9 neoprene gloves, large gown – CS4004L

Size 7.5 neoprene gloves, large gown – CS4004N

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