QT+ Quaternary ammonium compound, Disinfectant cleaner

InSpec™ QT+ is designed for spraying, wiping and mopping applications. Hold spray approximately 15cm to 20cm from area to be treated. 5L versions, pour into an appropriate container for mopping. 102ml concentrate make up to 5L with WFI Water. Apply to surface to ensure complete coverage.


Formulated Quaternary Ammonium Compound based disinfectant/cleaner. Active ingredient 0.12% RTU (ready to use). RTU pH = 10.5 to 11.5 Concentrate pH = 12.5 to 13.5.


  • An exceptional non-oxidising biocide
  • Bactericidal and Fungicidal
  • Low residue
  • Contents protected using ‘bagin-bottle’ technology. Provides a validated 3 month ‘in-use’ shelf life.
  • 1L and 5L formats manufactured with WFI quality water
  • Double bagged to enable rapid cleanroom transfer
  • Ideal rotational partner for InSpec AN, HA, OX and HPX products

Ordering information

QT+WFI30-1LS – InSpec QT 1L Trigger Spray,  6 pcs/box

QT+WFI30-5LS – InSpec QT 5L,  2 pcs/box

QT+WFI30BP15S – InSpec QT Concentrate 102ml Wipes – 15 wipes, 20 pcs/box

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