COL® Eye Drop System

COL®  is patented and CE certified for the application of serum eye drops and platelet concentrate. COL® enables sterile, efficient and user-friendly manufacturing of serum eye-drops. The Eye Drop system is available in two different configurations: the ramp configuration (COL®) and the string configuration (COL.C).


  • Partial vial filling is possible
  • Automatic equal filling of each vial
  • Resealable vials
  • An antibacterial filter that protects the cap of the dripper during the processing phase


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Ordering information

COL10COL® Eye Drop System, 10 vials / ramp
COL20COL® Eye Drop System, 20 vials / ramp
COLC30COL.C® Eye Drop System, 30 vials / string
COLC40COL.C® Eye Drop System, 40 vials / string
COLC50COL.C® Eye Drop System, 50 vials / string



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