Steri-Tamp Tamper-Clear Syringe Seal® Non-Sterile – Red Tint

Clear visibility to the barrel of the syringe.
• Useful for oral syringes, epi-pens, inhalers and other devices with
markings that need to be seen or scanned.
• Non-sterile solution to provide tamper evidence for syringes and
other medical containers.
• Improves workflow; saves time and money.
• Alerts staff when the syringe has been opened or used.
• Helps prevent risk of double dosing.
• Allows pharmacy to recycle medication.
• Maintains adhesion, even when refrigerated or frozen in cold drug
storage conditions (down to -20 degrees centrigrade)
• Packaged in easy-to-use dispensers, containing 1000 units each

Product Code: ST4112

SKU: ST4112 Categories: ,